Phone Sex During the Pandemic

With everyone home because of the current state of our country, phone sex during the pandemic has become an extremely hot topic. Let’s face it. Many are at home right now wondering how they’re going to pay bills while their current job is out of commission. You yourself might be in a situation right now where you’re down to your last.

Financial Security

If you’re nervous and scared because you’re unsure of what’s to come from COVID-19, you’re not alone. Many businesses have laid-off workers and some have no plans to reopen. Right now is the time to take control of your financial future. I received an email last week from a woman whose job laid her off because of COVID-19 and she doesn’t know how to move forward. She’s getting unemployment but that’s not enough for her to get by. She proceeded to ask about phone sex and if it was a realistic option for her.

I told her what I tell anyone else in this situation; Phone sex is not something that will make you rich overnight. To make phone sex profitable, one must have patience and remain consistent. Unlike a 9 to 5 you clock into and do your own work then you’re done, phone sex is much more involved. If you’re an independent phone sex operator, you’ll not only play the characters, but you’ll also be in charge of advertising, web design, social media, etc. The indie phone sex operator wears many hats.

Phone Sex Options

If you’re looking to get started with phone sex during the pandemic, I’ll be opening up access again to my free phone sex training soon. Access spots are limited and my free training is only available three times a year. I’ll write another blog post soon with information on how to sign up to receive access.

Email me at with questions.

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