Some of you have reached out to me asking about phone sex in 2022 and most importantly if I was bringing my blog back. Well, Phone Sex Resources is here to stay. I enjoy providing assistance to phone sex operators and showing them proven ways to be successful in this business. Phone sex is still very much alive and well. A lot think it’s an easy career path, but this isn’t the case.
I got into online sex work for flexibility and to have financial freedom. In online sex work, there is no salary cap. You go as far as you take yourself. I can tell twenty people how I’m successful in phone sex and tell them step by step everything I do to make money every day, but MAYBE only ONE of those people will move forward and be successful. Why? Because I’ve learned that most do not like putting in the work it takes to be successful in this line of work.
To be successful in phone sex in 2022, you have to be consistent and determined to succeed. This doesn’t mean you advertise for a few days and then stop. This means consistent blogging, tweeting, email marketing, posting ads, and anything else that gets clients.
Pro Tip 💡 Virtual worlds such as Second Life is another great way to get business. My blog Virtual Sex Work discusses this more in-depth.
Free Phone Sex Training
I’m rolling out another round of my free phone sex training series! My free phone sex training discusses phone sex platforms, advertising, social media, and more. It’s great for those who are looking to be independent phone sex operators or those who just need a quick brush-up on advertising. To get on my free phone sex training list, email me at
Have other questions? Let’s chat.